Dealing with plastic in the UK

Plastic is now a massive problem for the world and as a country, all we have done is pass it on to other poorer countries so we could forget about it. Well, that now cost us like China and others refuse to take other people’s waste. We need an answer.

The answer to dealing with the plastic is there, the are solutions but it needs plants to be built and the private industry won’t invest because it’s too long to profit. We need the state to step in but under the Tories that never going to happen, they are too busy trying to sell off the state to make figures look good in the press.

Forget shipping the plastics out of the country we need to stop plastic getting out from the country. Make it illegal to move this stuff around and make the country councils invest in plants to deal with this stuff.

To do that they need money so free them up to increase local taxes on high plastic using companies. Take the tax and invest it in solving the problem. When the plants are producing profits revert that profit back to the reduce the local tax burden. It’ll take time but we should have been dealing this years ago. Like so many things under the Tories, it’s pushed down the road again and again.

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