Vote Labour at the next election if you want foxes to stop getting in your bins !

Vote Labour at the next election if you want foxes to stop getting in your bins !

Vote Labour at the next election if you want people to stop kicking your parking space outside your house !

Vote Labour at the next election if you want your children to squeeze the tooth paster from the bottom and not the top !

Well, those are not polices but who knows, the way Labour are going they could very well be. It seems anything brought up in the “moaning” columns of the Tory press could find it’s way into the manifesto. It doesn’t even matter if the is already a law to cover the issue, Labour is on it for you. The latest as I type is a law again spiking people’s drinks. Yes ! You say that’s a great idea and surely this problem needs to be dealt with? Well I agree and history agrees too, that’s why we must already have about ten laws that this falls into. In fact some of these laws maybe goes back to the times when the king feared he might be poisoned 🙂 

Labour don’t care about that, they don’t care about your drink being spiked, to them, it’s a good headline and just one of the many they have been feeding to their mate in the press over the last year or so. What they should be doing is telling people what’s in their manifesto, what are their real policies, but they won’t do that till the very last minute. One reason why that is, is because they need to first see what the Tory party will have in their manifesto. Then they’ll either go higher or lower – Crime? They’ll go lower, Immigration? They’ll go lower, prison sentencing ? they’ll go higher etc etc

It’s all a game to them. Making things better for you is the last thing on their mind.


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