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Posted in Ideas - Solutions

Solving Car Pollution

So let’s get something straight before we start. If you want to save the earth, if you want help cut down the damage we are…

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Posted in Poetry

Fake Smiles & Nout Kisses

I don’t need your Facebook Love. Framed with kisses and smiley hugs. I can do without your Twitter tweet. Cleaver, profound or sickly sweet. A…

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Posted in Poetry

Such is life

At the start there was man. And man spends his days hunting and looking for shelter. Then came intellect. Man now shelters where there is…

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Posted in Poetry

Social Injustice

Minting Truth and Justice. Point the finger, put them though the ringer. These days it’s easy to know. Place the blame, targets for shame. These…

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Posted in Poetry

The Glue That Joins Us

It’s not in the band of gold or the sparkle of a stone. If not in garage flowers you buy on your way home. If…

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Optomax 135mm 1:28 Lens image
Posted in photography

Optomax 135mm 1:28 Lens Review

I’ve never bought or been given a lens that I couldn’t get results out of but this one perplexed me a little bit. Sure in…

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Posted in photography

Three Vintage Lenses Get Tested

After the warmest day of the year I decided to visit a local wildlife area with three vintage lenses I hadn’t really used much since…

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Posted in UK Politics

EU elections prove I was right to vote leave.

A while back I wrote about how the way Brexit has gone underlined my reasons for voting Leave even though I would not class myself…

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