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Posted in UK Politics

Theresa May The Fall Guy

I have some sympathy for Theresa May. Well, I say that, I would if it’s not already been used up for the victims of her…

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Posted in Ideas - Solutions UK Politics

My plan out of this Brexit mess.

Step one withdraw Article 50 notice. For sure the EU will not willingly go for this unless if the UK just want to use it…

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Posted in UK Politics

The Labour Party, How we got here.

Some years ago the party were taken over by the type of people who believed nothing but gaining power matters. On the face of it…

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Posted in Life

They Fear You Be Part Of The Solution

When Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour it was bad news for a lot of people. I’m not going to preach here but I’m…

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Posted in Life

Twitter – Don’t Help The Tories

JUST AN IDEA LABOUR MEMBERS We are a people funded 700k & growing. They are a shrinking 60k funded by war & hate. STOP SPREADING…

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Posted in Ideas - Solutions UK Politics

In The Defence Of Russian President Vladimir Putin

Skripal’s daughter Yulia entered the country a few days before the event 4th March 2018. The investigation of the event has traced their route from…

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Posted in Ideas - Solutions

Funding the NHS

I think the are now very few people who don’t realise we need to contribute more money to the NHS. Perhaps some hard Tories think…

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Posted in Just saying UK Politics

Did You Know – Privatised Utilities

Where given far more then a fresh start from clearing all their existing debt before they were sold off on the stock market, an exercise…

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