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Posted in UK Politics

Dominic Raab – The perfect bully

Eight people of his own government office found the strength to take official action, accusing him of bullying. Suggesting there were many more who could…

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Posted in UK Politics

Rishi Sunak – The question never asked

In the recent budget, a budget meant to set things right and put the UK economy some way back on track after Liz Truss had…

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Posted in Just saying

The Con That Is National Interest Rates

Some time ago, I think it was the 1970s, some economist/politician came up with the idea that controlling spending reduces inflation. This in some ways…

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Posted in UK Politics

UK public – If you value truth – don’t vote

If you value truth & honesty, if you want representatives who are asking for your vote in order to make your life better, then don’t…

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Posted in Just saying UK Politics

It’s Not About Gary Lineker

The BBC Match Of The Day and well known football legend Gary Lineaker tweeted a comment on the latest UK government immigration policy, comparing it…

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Posted in UK Politics

Boris Johnson’s Dad, Why Not?

If you are going to allow Tom Watson, Ruth Smeeth, Arlene Foster, Johnson’s brother & no end of Tory & Labour donors in to the…

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Posted in Just saying

Football is killing itself

What other ideas can the masters of the great game think up to fuck it up for the supporters or the players? The most common…

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Posted in UK Politics

UK Governments Failing The People

So now we have food shortages, before that it was the energy price increases & before that all a number of decisions made by UK…

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