Posted in Ideas - Solutions UK Politics

Brexit Democratic

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Posted in UK Politics

EU elections prove I was right to vote leave.

A while back I wrote about how the way Brexit has gone underlined my reasons for voting Leave even though I would not class myself…

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Posted in UK Politics

Brexit the truth

Yes, it’s another Brexit article but this blog is not on any prefined path it’s just what I want to sound off about at the…

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Posted in UK Politics

The Tories like to play with words

You’ll never hear a Tory MP say the word “poverty”, although you may hear them say “absolute poverty”. Ever wondered why that is? Well, these…

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Posted in UK Politics

My Vote To Leave The EU Has Been Totally Justified

I didn’t want to leave the EU before David Cameron asked the question. I was more or less happy with the positives membership offered like…

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Posted in UK Politics

So you want a People’s Vote

This is the Dec 2018 UPDATE to the post so you want a 2nd EU-referendum Following the failure of the LibDems to gain votes in…

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Posted in UK Politics

We must take fear out of elections

First I have to say in some small way Cameron may have had a point, one he didn’t know at the time. Because if Ed…

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Posted in UK Politics

Theresa May The Fall Guy

I have some sympathy for Theresa May. Well, I say that, I would if it’s not already been used up for the victims of her…

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