Posted in UK Politics

UK Governments Failing The People

So now we have food shortages, before that it was the energy price increases & before that all a number of decisions made by UK…

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Posted in UK Politics

UK – Don’t Vote

One of the page of this very blog is titled Why Do I Hate Tories, so from that you might think I was very political,…

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Posted in UK Politics

Will the last real politician please shut the door behind them.

If you go back in time a politician was someone who saw a problem and thought they had a solution. The problem generally would be…

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Posted in UK Politics

So what now after Hartlepool

I’m finished with UK politics so have no axe to grind here it’s merely comment over the general media bollocks you are fed here in…

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Posted in UK Politics

Everyone eventually cracks

I entered my youth to the sound of Thatcher’s voice on the steps on Number Ten. I didn’t believe her then and all evidence suggests…

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Posted in Just saying UK Politics

My Labour Leadership Manifesto

It won’t happen but if it did this is what it would be. 1. On day one of my leadership I will expel Tony Blair,…

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Posted in UK Politics

Conservatives always held back UK progress

Take a walk in to the British history, marvel at the changes made and the progressive steps for freedom & rights for all. Then acknowledge…

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The Real Boris Johnson
Posted in UK Politics

Boris Johnson – Super Liar Poor Leader

What you have to remember about all these Boris Johnson articles is he is a product of an elite education. A system designed to mould…

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