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Posted in Just saying

Worst BJ in the world.

We really must talk about how one man named Johnson who, let’s be honest, is not some wise guru full of wisdom, gets to fill…

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Posted in UK Politics

So You Want A 2nd EU Referendum

First, let me confess I voted to leave the EU. But unlike some people, it would not be a big deal to me if we…

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Posted in Ideas - Solutions

Coffee Cup Problem

Reports today says the government in the UK are considering 25p charge on disposable coffee cups. This is because they are so difficult to recycle…

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Posted in Ideas - Solutions UK Politics

How to negotiate

What should the objectives be in any negotiation? Get everything you want and give nothing away? Well, that’s a very nieve view, people who go…

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Posted in Ideas - Solutions

Cut the London Fog

This week a new electric Black Taxi was presented to the public. These taxis cost about £11,000 more than the standard taxis and have a…

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Posted in Just saying UK Politics

Donald Trump Is Bad News But Not For Why You Think

Ok, I’ll admit if you think the man is the worst president of the United States I would agree, also the most stupid and the…

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Posted in UK Politics

BBC Daily No Politics

When I was younger, in my fifties now, I often read letters in newspapers or noticed discussions on TV about “the dumbing down” of news…

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Posted in Just saying

Varnished Slavery

Employment is not just a number. It’s a means to an end. The end being freedom to choose a what happens in your life. If…

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