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Posted in Life

No Longer Working For Google

A few months ago I closed my social media accounts at Facebook & Twitter, the reason for that can be gained from that post at…

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Posted in I Thank You

Thank you, Rudolph Isley

I’m still amazed at how many in the UK don’t know about the Isley Brothers and their music. Even though almost every day for the…

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Posted in I Thank You

A recomendation For – Roofing Warminister Salisbury

This year, we decided that our roof really needed to be looked at. It may have been the sight of slates shifting with time or…

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Posted in Just saying

The UK Taxpayer Pays For It All

The government processes in the UK are so corrupt you won’t believe the taxpayer is on the hook for so many charges; We pay for…

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Posted in Just saying

What is entertainment?

This week we have the Russell Brand accusations of rape and the BBC review of the Boris Johnson government called State Of Chaos. Both these…

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Posted in UK Politics

Where have all the socialist gone?

Socialism gave us regulated working hours, laws to protect the people and the environment. Socialism gave us hospitals, schools and even parks and the leisure…

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Posted in Just saying UK Politics

What secrets could anyone want from the UK

I do find all this spies in the government news a big laugh. The UK are still deluded about their position in the world order…

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Posted in Life

EBay is NOT free for Buyers

You may have never noticed, but eBay does charge a buyer a fee for most items. The rate of this fee is 10% of the…

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